Do you really know Eva Niesten, Head of the SKEMA Centre for Sustainability Studies and Professor of Strategy and Sustainability? Let’s check it out!

Your top resolution for 2024: Focus on what matters.

The historical figure you would want as a research partner: Eunice Newton Foote (1819- 1888) – women’s right campaigner and first scientist to demonstrate global warming.

The book you (would like to) read twice: A Movable Feast (Ernest Hemingway).

If your research centre had a theme song: “Big Yellow Taxi” by Joni Mitchell.

Your favourite social media: The offline ones.

The subject you can talk and read about for hours: Almost anything.

The best piece of advice you have received regarding academia: Often say yes and then learn when to say no.

The quirkiest item on your office desk: A green pod.

Your favourite spot on campus for inspiration or reflection: Our rooftop and revamped faculty lounge.

The other job you would have liked to do: Climate activist.

One word to describe the Research Centre you represent: Belongingness.

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