Do you really know Hélène Cherrier, Professor of Marketing at SKEMA Business School? Let’s find out

Your favourite researcher: Today, it is Neil Brenner, not sure about tomorrow.

The book you read twice (or more than twice): Discipline and Punish – Foucault.

The book you read on the beach: I do not read on the beach.

The country where you dream to work: Of the 195 recognized countries, the ones deemed safe. 

What you like best about SKEMA: Its international DNA.

The other job you would have liked to do: Surgeon for Médecins Sans Frontières

Your favourite fictional character: Pink Panther

Your current research topic: Homelessness in Neoliberal Cities. Household Space and Object Disposal.

Your next research topic: Consumers’ Construction and Negotiation of Safety in the US.

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