Do you really know Ludmila Striukova, Head of the SKEMA Innovation Academy? Let’s check it out!
The historical figure or researcher you would like to have dinner with: Marie Curie.
The book you (would like to) read twice: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury.
The quirkiest item on your office desk: A 3D printed puzzle.
Your favourite Social Media: LinkedIn.
The subject you can talk and read about for hours: Innovation.
The “Friends” character you would be: Monica.
The country where you dream to work: Lucky to work at a school with multi-country presence.
Your favourite spot on campus for inspiration: Faculty lounge.
The other job you would have liked to do: A writer.
The best piece of advice you have received regarding academia: Onwards and upwards.
One word to describe the Academy you represent: Family.