Do you really know Raluca Sandu, Associate Dean of Faculty and Accounting Professor at SKEMA Business School? Let’s check it out!

Your favourite researcher: Anthony Hopwood (for opening my field to new approaches)

The book you read twice: Essais de Michel de Montaigne (quite useful handbook for a manager)

The book you read on the beach: american short fictions, and all kinds of plays (Beckett, Ionesco, Sarraute…)

The country where you dream to work: I am very happy to work in Paris 🙂

What you like best about SKEMA: the supportive attitude, the spirit of progress and self improvement… and a very precious gift: the trust of my colleagues

Your favourite VR avatar: not a VR one, but the one I used for teaching in executive education – big smile and big glasses

The other job you would have liked to do: 19th century archaeologist… for the travels

Your favourite fictional character: Papageno the bird catcher

Your current research topic: accounting history and geopolitics of accounting (I recently published a paper on post-communist countries as a field of confrontation for accounting regimes)

Your next research topic: still in geopolitics… I am interested in standards as an instrument of influence (from accounting standards to standards in higher education)

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