Do you really know Sabrina Chikh, Associate Professor of Finance at SKEMA Business School? Let’s check it out!

If you were a famous CEO: Oprah Winfrey, very inspiring! 

The book you read twice: I never read a book twice. I would say mine, Finance comportementale for reviewing concern!

The book you recommend to people who hate finance: Capital Ideas: The Improbable Origins of Modern Wall Street by Peter L. Bernstein, it is not technical and you can read it as a novel!

Your favourite researcher: Richard Thaler

What you like best about SKEMA: The students! 

Your favourite Social Media: Instagram

The other job you would have liked to do: Architect 

Your favourite movie: The Big Short 

The behavioral finance bias to which you are most subject: Lost aversion 

Your favourite research topic:  I like all the topics that would take into consideration the impact of extra-financial on the firm performance 

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